Thursday, March 22, 2012

Do All Things Work Together For Good?

Rom 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ESV

This verse from the Bible is one I know quite well, but I can't say that I was thinking about it last week on Monday when I learned I had colon cancer and knew that when I got home I would have to tell my darling DebbieLynne that difficult news.

But now, a bit more than a week has passed. During this time Deb and I have hugged, and cried, and talked. and met with medical people, and talked with friends from church who have experienced some of what we're going through. So now we are better prepared to take a look at Romans 8:28.

Notice that the verse says "we know" not we "we feel" that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

Jesus is the creator of everything that has been created. He is the One who determined the properties of everything that has been created. He can create new things when He has a purpose in doing so, such as when He walked among men, giving sight to the blind, healing the lame, and even raising those who had died.

Jesus is my Savior and Lord and He can heal me of this cancer. He can do it miraculously or He can do it through medical people using things God has created that can be used to treat and rid a body of cancer.

I acknowledge that God can be glorified by healing me or by not healing me, and I want God to be glorified. I want to praise Him and thank Him for being with me and helping me be a testimony to Him today and every day.

Yes, I want you to pray that I will be healed and can have many more years together with DebbieLynne. I also want you to pray that we will be a good testimony to our Lord each day, for as many days as He gives us.

Today I am thankful that I am feeling good, and that I'm still home with DebbieLynne. I am also thankful that later this afternoon the respiratory therapist will come to set me up with the BiPap machine which I will hopefully be able to use to sleep with tonight.

As soon as I can sleep with the BiPap, the doctors will reschedule the colonoscopy and then together we will decide on plans for the surgery and follow up treatment.

I am thankful that medical people are working to help me through this. I'm thankful that men from church are helping me with visits to me here and  trips to medical appointments. I'm thankful for those of you who have contributed to help us eliminate our debt. And I'm thankful for all the people who are praying for Deb and me.

Please include in your prayers that Deb and I will cling to knowing that God is working all things together for us even at those times when we do not feel that way.

We love you and greatly appreciate your love and prayers.


  1. I am gonna keep right on praying for you both!

  2. I will definitely keep praying for you both. Please keep us updated. And, if I can recommend a passage to you, I think you might want to read 1 Peter 5:6-7. God cares for you, and you can cast your anxieties on Him. God bless.

  3. Thank you for your continued prayers and your recommending we read 1 Peter 5:6-7. It is so good to be reminded that God does so very much care for us and therefore we can cast our anxieties on Him. Feel free at any time to recommend Scripture passages. We love God and His Word.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis...Please read and say Jeremiah 30:17 which says I will restore health unto you and heal all your wounds. God spoke everything into existence so we must do the same to draw HIS Word into each challenge.. Deuteronomy 20:4
    For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." Deuteronomy 20:4
    For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory."Luke 10:19I receive this by faith, and Your Word promises to give it to me; I believe ,I receive it; and I take it; . James 1:6 In Jesus Name THE ANOINTED ONE, Amen. John 16:24..Jesus bore my sicknesses and carried my pain; therefore I will not give place to sickness nor pain; for God sent HIS Word and I was healed..Say these scriptures even if you can only whisper everyday; the more you say it the more you will begin to believe it; and watch Jehovah Rophe take care of you..would like for you to know that The Most High God has healed me from breast cancer;;all PRAISE, GLORY, AND HONOR TO HIM WHO ALONE IS WORTHY..take care
